
Neurofeedback Provider Rochester, Minnesota
Neurofeedback Provider Minnesota

Hello, I am Pernell Plath Meier

My name is Pernell Plath Meier, and throughout my life, helping others has been my passion and focus. I became certified as a Neuroptimal Neurofeedback provider in Minnesota since 2019. I opened Restorations Neurofeedback & Wellness in Rochester, Minnesota to support the mental health of our community. It’s gratifying to bring this technology to others so that they can experience the same transformations I’ve seen within myself, my family, and my clients.

How our sessions work

The Process Is Simple

During your session you will listen to music as you are connected to five sensors, which are reading the electrical activity in your nervous system. When the system senses a “flutter” or dysregulation in your activity, the music skips and invites your brain to return to the previous more calm pattern. As a neurofeedback provider in Minnesota, through the training session, the mind begins to more easily shift into a calm and centered space. The positive results of training can stick with you even after training is complete. The regulated pattern becomes effortlessly incorporated to who you are; achieving a new normal state of mind.

Headaches in Rochester, Minnesota

Schedule Appointment

Schedule your first session to start you and your family on your journey to better mental and physical health. As a neurofeedback provider in Minnesota, we're located in Rochester, Minnesota.

Headaches in Rochester, Minnesota

Neurofeedback Training

Sensors are placed on the head to take an EEG (electroencephalogram) recording of the brainwave activity in real time. The software provides audio-visual feedback to the brain, reinforcing positive brain activity.

Headaches in Rochester, Minnesota


Over time, these sensory rewards train the brain to create new and lasting “habits” of electrical activities.

Have Questions?

Company Information & Questions About Us

What do you do differently from other clinics?

Restoration Neurofeedback & Wellness has been a professional neurofeedback provider in Minnesota since 2019. Neuroptimal neurofeedback is the safest and most gentle form of neurofeedback available today. The goal is overall regulation and balance of your nervous system, not pushing your brain in any one pre-set direction. As such, it is effective for a wide range of symptoms and free from side-effects.

What is your personal experience with Neurofeedback?

I have been doing neurofeedback for my family and myself since 2019. I had been going through an extremely rough patch in my life and within months of training, I was feeling substantial improvements in my anxiety and depression symptoms. I continue to use Neurofeedback training for reduction in day to day stress. My youngest adopted son asks for neurofeedback, reporting it helps him to stay calm and feel less angry. I have seen remarkable improvements using this therapy in my family, friends, and clients.

Happy Patient Feedback

Promotion: First Neurofeedback sessions are 50% off!

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Looking for a Neurofeedback provider in Minnesota? Book your visit with Restorations Neurofeedback & Wellness in just a minute. Just select your appointment date and fill out your information. It’s that easy.

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